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Differences Between Outlook For Mac

Hi Bullibasha, I understand you're trying to determine the difference between the Trash and Deleted Items. I totally understand you're confusion, so I'll see if I can't explain it! So, the label 'Trash' is a holdover from when Outlook for Mac was Entourage. There, the folder where deleted emails go was called Trash.

Difference Between Outlook And Mac Mail

Differences Between Outlook For MacOutlook

On my Mac, in Outlook 2016 and the Internet Accounts I added my Outlook.com account as an Exchange Account, and it worked - all of my Outlook.com data showed up in Mail, Calendars, Contacts, and Outlook 2016 as Exchange account data. So, there's the 'free' conduit for getting data in both the Mac apps and Outlook 2016 (I no longer use Outlook 2011 but don't see why it wouldn't work). Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, Outlook for Mac and Outlook.com are just a handful of the Outlook products available to businesses and consumers. Oddly enough, all of these “Outlooks” do not render the same (that would be too easy!). On my Mac, in Outlook 2016 and the Internet Accounts I added my Outlook.com account as an Exchange Account, and it worked - all of my Outlook.com data showed up in Mail, Calendars, Contacts, and Outlook 2016 as Exchange account data. So, there's the 'free' conduit for getting data in both the Mac apps and Outlook 2016 (I no longer use Outlook.

Differences Between Outlook For Mac 2017

In recent years though, they have tried to unify the UI so that Outlook for Mac generally looks and feels the Windows version, so what was once the Trash is now the Deleted Items folder. That said, once you delete an email from your inbox using Outlook 2016, it will end up in the Deleted Items folder. From there, you can 'recover' the email by going to the Deleted Items folder and dragging it back to your inbox. I hope this helps! When searching for a word, I must oarganise the search list by folder, or otherwise I do not see which folder they are in. This I have to do each, it takes several klicks.

Differences Between Outlook For Macbook Pro

I would like this to be the default view, how is that done? Then I see that there are more than one folders with the name Deleted But they do not appear in the navigation bar (side bar) along with the other folders So where are these Deleted folders in my Outlook App? There are both Trash and Deleted folders for each account? May I ask which version of Outlook for Mac you're using, and what e-mail provider you're using? GMail, for example, refers to the location deleted items are sent as 'Trash'. As far as documentation or tutorials go, there are several resources Microsoft has for this: Outlook video training - you'll need to scroll down to the 'Mac, iPhone, iPad' section: Outlook 2016 for Mac documentation: Office for Mac quick start guides - very handy for jumping into an application quickly: I hope that helps!

I use Outlook app version 15.39 with Yahoo mail.